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Volunteer at CAMO Rescue

We are always in need of volunteers! We are continuously looking for people who have a bit of free time to help at our kennel facility, Give dogs freedom rides or help transport to appoint. There are many ways you can help us there-- including walking, playing with and helping to socialize the dogs (and of course general clean up). It really takes a village. If you are interested in helping, please complete the application below.

New to volunteering? Apply below!

What is volunteering at CAMO Rescue like?

Volunteering at CAMO Rescue is extremely fulfilling and helpful. Every day, all of the dogs at our facility must be fed, given water, medication, taken on walks, and played with. Their kennels must be cleaned, disinfected, and laundry cleaned/replaced. They also need current photos/videos of the dogs playing, as well as updated bios covering the dogs profiles. You can expect to fulfill some of these tasks while you are volunteering at CAMO. If you specialize in something that you think could prove useful to the rescue, be sure to mention it in your application!

Why is volunteering important?

Volunteering at your local dog rescue is an extremely impactful way to get involved in your community. Local rescues are always in need of extra help as most of them operate solely using volunteers. Without the help of their community, they would be unable to continue their operations.

Why should I volunteer with CAMO Rescue?

At CAMO Rescue we pride ourselves in our ability to create an engaging, informative, and smooth volunteering experience. We have several shifts that are available for volunteers to sign up for online. These shifts are primarily in accordance with the daily tasks at the facility, although there are occasional events that benefit from extra volunteers. Be sure to apply to volunteer today!

How do I sign up for shifts?

After you are approved to volunteer with CAMO Rescue, you will be contacted by someone that will guide you through the process of signing up for shifts. Our volunteer program (Volgistics) is very intuitive and allows for an easy sign-up process. Volunteers can login by clicking here.

Keep in touch!

Subscribe for monthly emails from CAMO Rescue.

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Mailing Address

Camo Rescue

PO Box 921

Pinehurst, Texas 77362-0921

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